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Monday, December 23 2013
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          Looking back on the year of working with Hartman Home Inspections has been a refreshing experience. It has been a pleasure interacting with clients and giving them a first-rate evaluation of the home they want inspected. Don and I take pride in assisting anyone from first-time home buyers to seasoned real estate investors.

          Previous to being a home inspector, I was a concrete mixer truck driver, and also did concrete finish work. I was a semi-truck driver for a few years. I also worked with Washington Mechanical Contractors for several years. One thing I have noticed after leaving that industry and moving into home inspecting, is that in general, on some commercial and residential job sites, you will find a good amount of cranky, coarse, and crude people.  On the other hand, there are a number of brilliant, hard working, loyal people in the construction industry as well, and I will have lifelong friends from those days. After interacting with some folks in the trades who are highly skilled in spitting, blowing snot rockets, and using the f-word in front of every noun, it is so refreshing to interact with sincere and friendly realtors and clients.

          It is beneficial to have experience in the trades before going into home inspecting, but the key is to have obtained those skills by working with contractors who build things in the correct way, and who do superior quality work.  If a person going into home inspecting has construction experience with contractors who just slap something together as cheaply as possible, they pick up some bad habits, and they would probably be better off not having any experience at all.  Poor quality building habits don’t transfer well into a home inspection career. I can truly say I am now grateful I never picked up any bad habits. With the experience that Don has, and my background, we are honored to provide a high quality service.

          Don and Sandy have forged a strong bond with a network of exceptional realtors over the years.  These realtors truly take care of their clients, and they know that we will provide an incomparable service with Don and I performing a home inspection and sewer scope in a high quality, and efficient manner. Sandy is the office pro, and people always say how kind and warmhearted she is on the phone; well she is exponentially more kind and warmhearted in person.

          It has been an honor working with Don in the field, and Sandy in the office. With a feather in the cap, I look forward to engaging with the hard working realtors and their clients in the years to come. 

Thanks, Jeremy

Posted by: Jeremy Lockrem AT 01:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

Hartman Home Inspections
3925 41st Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98116
Phone: 206.937.6359

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